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Geza has been a visual arts instructor with the TDSB for the last 16 years. As an educator he strives to encourage and support all learning levels and styles. He believes that if one can hold a pencil then they are capable of creating amazing work. This is the foundation on which Geza has developed his approach to teaching. His main goal is to ensure that all students are taught the skill sets needed to showcase their true creativity.

Course Description

The courses offer you the opportunity to learn the necessary skills needed to enhance your abilities as an artist. Students will learn the technical foundations required to make realistic paintings. The step-by-step approach includes a brief overview of the elements and principles of design, processes, techniques, and styles. The class is specifically developed to focus solely on a skills-based approach to art creation. The class will be a hands-on experience that will allow you to practice the content learned. At the end of the course you will be able to leave with a completed work of art.

Individual Workshops ($45 plus hst): Acrylic on Paper

(Two hour sessions including all materials)

 Session One: March 10, 24, 30  2023

Painting for Beginners ($310 plus hst): Still-life Oil Painting 

(Dates are Divided into the four week sessions, all materials are included) 

Session Two: April 14 2023 - May 5 2023

Session Three: May 12 2023 - June 2 2023 

Session Four: June 5, 9, 12,16  2023 

Location/Time 6-8pm

Humberside Collegiate 

280 Quebec Ave, Toronto, ON M6P 2V3


Enter school at front entrance and follow the signs to the designated classroom.

For any questions or inquiries please email Geza Kokai by clicking the CONTACT tab.

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